The Witness that Stunned …

The Witness that Stunned …

I empathize with people who are come out of or who are coming out of a conscience and consciousness anchored in and informed by outward forms and are come into a conscience and consciousness anchored in and informed by the direct and unmediated impulse of immanent Presence itself in itself. Sometimes I find myself sharing the message of the sufficiency of the inshining Light itself in itself to guide and nurture human relationships on the street.

A few months ago, I was in a large American city sharing this message with individuals among a group of political activists. One characteristic of this particular group of activists is that the leaders will place themselves between a person (usually a person engaged in political argumentation and confrontation from an opposing political identity) and the activist group as a whole. Sometimes these leaders take on an intimidating posture to encourage the opposer to move on.

As I was speaking, one of those leaders interjected himself between me and the group and assumed a posture of intimidation and became to press himself forward forcing me to hold my ground, press forward against him, or relent. I held ground without pressing forward. Another person joined him and they persisted. Most of the people in the group were encouraging them. I kept repeating to them, "Their is another way to peace among people by coming into the presence of the inshining Light." And so on …

By the way, I know. I know. I know. It is not easy for me to do this. It is that sometimes it just comes upon me to speak and I've learned that not doing so has a direct impact on the nature and experience of the inshining Light upon my conscience, that is, the direct experience of my self being identified with the Light itself in itself comes under a shadow. I impulse dims because I chose to mind and identify with my hesitation to speak the message "on the street." I do it for the sake of my conscience ruled and governed by the Light itself in itself.

… They pressed and pressed me. I held but was being nudged backward by the forward pressure of the two men. They were not pushing me violently. Just applying pressure against my body with their bodies and nudging me backward. And the group was still encouraging them.

Suddenly, I yelled these exact words. "I am the Light and you own me in you!!." People jeered and laughed. I was stunned. Did I just say that? No, it was not me but immanent Presence within me. One person screamed loudly, causing a hesitation from everyone. She then put down her sign and said. "I see it." And walked away. As she was walking, she turned and looked at me and gave me a subtle smile. I recognized that sparkle in her eye. The inward Star. I walked away too and some people yelled things at me.

This experience has left me stunned by the Light. This was not Keith Saylor speaking. That which who I am spoke who I am and who she is. The Light itself owned me and I owned the Light and she owned the Light. The very gesture of her laying down the sign brought conviction in my conscience. This act was literal. She had laid down her identification with outward political ideology. She is the Light itself in itself and the Light shown upon me through her as it shown upon her through me. We both, in that moment, discovered "I am the Light and you are the Light and the Light is in our conscience" … and we were in unity. No political, religious, or social ideological construct or institution can discover such unity to people.

She is come out of the process identification with the process of identifying with outward political constructs and is come into a different way that is discovered through direct experience inshining Light upon the conscience.

In that moment, it was discovered to us the eternal way of peace in human relationships. This way was not visible to others around us who sought peace through outward forms. In the chaos of human disaffection, we found and shared eternal Light itself in itself in our conscience so that we could speak the inward Name "I am the Light" and heaven itself manifested.

Message to Political Activists, Religious Adherents, and those who gain meaning, purpose, and identity in their professions and hobbies.

Stream Orchid – Image by: Keith F. SaylorA Spirit is come in this world that is calling people out of a way of life that anchors meaning, purpose, and identity in outward forms and activities. People find themselves caught up in or enchanted by the conjurations of political, religious, social, and secular leaders. These leaders conjure up outward political, religious, or social ideological constructs to enchant people and lead them into identification with that which they advocate. These outward professors promise meaning and purpose if only their conjurations are embraced and identified with. Their are those who have been captivated by these leaders, but who sense, at the margins of their soul, a disaffection with the purveyors of a process wherein personal identity, meaning, and purpose is anchored in the embracement and coming into identification with outward political, religious, social, and economic constructs.

A Spirit is come in this world that is calling people out of a way of life that anchors meaning, purpose, and identity in outward forms and activities. People find themselves caught up in or enchanted by the conjurations of political, religious, social, and secular leaders. These leaders conjure up outward political, religious, or social ideological constructs to enchant people and lead them into identification with that which they advocate. These outward professors promise meaning and purpose if only their conjurations are embraced and identified with. Their are those who have been captivated by these leaders, but who sense, at the margins of their soul, a disaffection with the purveyors of a process wherein personal identity, meaning, and purpose is anchored in the embracement and coming into identification with outward political, religious, social, and economic constructs.

I have seen, with my own eyes, those disaffected drop their political signs and banners and walk away when the message of the sufficiency of inshining Spirit is come to them and they are come into a different immanent habitation and the conjurations of political and religious and social leaders lose power. Those disaffected or disenchanted with political and religious leadership that are come into the flawed process of identification with outward forms and ideological constructs, are the focus of this testimony.

Throughout the history of human being, these outward leaders have, in one way or another, promoted and encouraged the process of identification with outward ideologies, practices, and institutions to anchor and inform human relationships. Throughout, human history this process of identification with outward ideologies, practices, and institutions has proved unsustainable and essentially flawed. The answer (in the face of crumbling forms and institutions) of these leaders of this flawed process is not to question the process itself but to conjure up and establish another set of outward political, religious, and social constructs and lead people into identification with them. This cycle of conjuration, and people’s embracement of it, is the source of the power of these outward leaders. Innately and intuitively each person, to one degree or another, has glimpsed the flaw of this process and has sensed disenchantment with it. Intuitively people experience or glimpse an impulse shining somewhere deep in the corner of their conscience. This inshining impulse is the way out of the need to sacrifice human consciousness and conscience at the alters of political, religious, and social institutions and follow the teachings of those leaders who promote and profess the need for adherence to their outward conjurations. Experientially, each of us senses their is a way out of this process and out of enchantment with outward constructs and institutions and the leaders who promote and are are empowered by the flawed process.

The way out is to mind that inshining impulse that is available to each person. It is unrelated to any outward political, religious, and social construct or those who promote them. The inshining Impulse is right there in the conscience of everyone in all circumstances and in all things. For those who are come into disaffection with the process of identification with outward forms, their a an answer, a different way … a way that is sustainable and not conditioned upon circumstance or the outward teachings or institutions.. No matter where you are. No matter what your circumstance or condition. Right now, you can turn and mind that inshining Impulse in your conscience. Lay down identification with all outward political, religious, and social forms and mind and wait upon only the inshining Light and an increased illumination will happen and there is a coming out of outward forms and into the inshining Impulse itself in itself. Personal identity, meaning, and purpose comes into relationship with and participation in the inshining Light itself in itself. Personal identity is existence itself in itself. The ideological and institutional mirrors through which we once could ‘see’ ourselves are shattered and we are come into a different habitation. The Life itself in itself is our Life, meaning, purpose, and identity and we truly know a new ‘I am.’ To speak I am is to speak that which we share with all other human beings. “I am the Light and the Light is in me and you are the Light” is not heard through the physical ear, it is experienced directly and heard in the inner ear and, in the speaking, we experience the Light itself in itself in our own conscience.

To those disaffected with outward political, religious, and social ideological, theoretical, and institutional forms, there is another way. You can fully come out being enchanted by the outward conjurations of the purveyors of a process of identification with outward forms and come into the Life itself in itself as it takes its place anchoring consciousness and informing the conscience and guiding your relationships and interactions with other people without regard for an outwardly based flawed process and those who nurture that process.

The Mystery – I Am the Light

The Mystery – I am the Light


An important part of my experience or witness of the inshining motion of Presence is self-awareness being led out of dependency upon outward forms and into an embracement of and a growing into dependency upon immanent Presence itself in itself. This dependency is the experience of awareness anchored in immanent Presence itself in itself so that which I am is immanent Presence. It is a coming into unity with and in the inshining Light itself in itself. In fact, that is the power of the experience. I am coming out of a way of being that is dependent upon outward forms as mirrors through which being is reflected to see or be aware of self. In this experience, the Light is and I am the Light. I have been asked whether this means speaking the experience of who I am in the Light itself in itself is the same as calling or making myself God. Christ did not say the person in that specific body who is named Keith Saylor is the Light. Christ is the Light and the Light is in me and as I am come into the Light, I am the Light and you are the Light. This experience of identification in and with the Light itself in itself is not an experience of Keith Saylor in the flesh being God, it is the experience of coming into a way of being that you know is shared by all other human beings. So that, when one person says “I am the Light,” it is recognized in another as if the words were coming from themselves. When the inward Spirit itself in itself speaks “I am” all others who are of the same witness hear it as being spoken from within themselves.


I am the light and the light is in me and you are the light and the light is in you. The mystery of a conscious anchored in and a conscience informed by inshining Light itself in itself is the appearance of the image of Christ. In this appearance, we come into the experience of being the image and knowing the image within our consciousness, In this knowing, we no longer are in relationship with divine Presence as at a distant but as who we are in ourselves. We are come into divine being and divine being is in us and we are divine being. That which I am, you are. I am the light itself and in the Light you are. Immanent participation in the Light discovers unto us the only source wherein we can truly be at one with one another. Shared outward Political, social, and religious forms, methods, and practices, are not the stuff of spiritual oneness. I am the Light and you are the Light proclaims the only source of Unity. To mind the Light is to mind unity with one another and to speak to and through one another.


To affirm I am the Light and the Light is in me is sometimes reflected on by others as a claim of being God and that there is a separation between God and human beings. A claim by a particular person in physical form to be God himself in himself is the manifestation of drawing the conscious and conscience of people into idenitification with a particular outward form. This is a form of conjuration designed to enchant the conscious and conscience of people to a particular figure or type. Again, Christ did not say that Keith Saylor, for example, is the way, the truth, and the Light. Christ said, I am the Way. When a person claims to be the Light in his or her particular outward physical body, that person makes an idol of his or her body and is idolatrous and brings those who regard him or her into idolatry.

To affirm I am the Light and the Light is in me and you are the Light is not a fashioning of a particular body or personality into an idol and the drawing of people into identification with that physical body or personality for meaning, purpose, and identity. The affirmation that I am the Light and the Light is in me and is in you and your are the Light is the witness that Christ is Spirit and the throne of the Light is in the conscience and conscious. The witness of I am the Light and the light is in me and you are the light is the coming into identification with the Spirit itself in itself is our conscience. This identification with the Spirit is a drawing of the self-conscious out of identification with outward forms and not one of idolizing outward persons, places, ideologies, or theologies.


The mystery of a conscious anchored in and a conscience informed by inshining Light itself in itself is the witness of a bridging between the Light as an object and the Light as immanent within the conscious and conscience of human being. The Throne of Christ is the conscience. Christ Jesus is no longer participated in as distinct being once his inshining Spirit illuminates the conscious and fills the conscience. His image is our image in the conscience. By the power of this bridging human being is come into a witness of that which is shared by one another and is the only source of sustainable unity and relationship between human beings. Identification with all outward forms (which is relationship from a distance) is separation from both the Light itself and other human beings and humane relationships.

Invitation to the Life itself in itself

Each one of us can witness within themselves the transformation of the very foundation of their conscience and consciousness and be gathered into a different way of relationship with other human beings. To experience coming into the invisible gathering or habitation in the inshining Life and LIght itself in itself, there is no particular practice or method. Simply begin to lay down identification with outward forms as a source of meaning and person and wait upon the appearance of the image of Jesus Christ in you conscience and consciousness. In this patient waiting the grace of inshining Light will appear in your conscious and conscience and will reveal, according to the measure given, the inward rule and government of the Spirit of Christ itself in itself and you will take up habitation in the inward eternal way of the invisible gathering.